87% of over 250 affluent clients polled by a leading Wall Street Wealth Planning Firm said that they were in need of a single source for all their advisory needs.
87% of over 250 affluent clients polled by a leading Wall Street Wealth Planning Firm said that they were in need of a single source for all their advisory needs.
As a Member of the Wealth and Business Planning Network you can take
advantage of our Strategic Partners Program where you will have access to
valuable Business consulting , technology marketing and collaborative planning
processes designed to help you grow your business and be a more profitable
practice targeted to serving the needs of busy, affluent and ultra affluent families.
With the help of extensive research , experts with experience of building and
managing businesses with practical application, we have put together a menu of
practice enhancing services specifically designed to create a streamlined, teamoriented experience for you, your clients, and your professional colleagues.
Our library of resources will help you enhance your process by:
Client and Member secure access to online real time updating and aggregation of
all clients Investment, Banking and Savings Accounts; Digital storage of important
legal, tax and financial reports and documents; Credit monitoring & much more